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Monday, February 14, 2011

Guess Who

Fanart/Fan Sculpt of one of my favorite characters

Also first time to play around with 3dmax for the base model

Saturday, February 5, 2011

didnt like how the wings turn out though >_<

Texture Maps:

Diffuse: Upper Left Corner
Specular: Lower Left Corner
Normal: Upper Right Corner
Displacement: Lower Right Corner

Head (Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Diplacement)

Body (Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Diplacement)

Wing (Diffuse, Specular, Normal)

Armor (Diffuse, Specular, Normal)

all maps 2048

UV Layout
Head: Upper Left Corner
Body: Lower Left Corner
Wing: Upper Right Corner
Armor: Lower Right Corner



Monday, March 1, 2010

Year of tiger are believed to be successful in any chosen career they choose for the determination they possess...and believed to be "lucky"......


Called "Useless" "Worst" "Dumb"
It was called that
Will it go on? Or should it stop pursuing?
It did not

Avoided, often just hidden
It was not there
Will it go on? or should just quit for what was the point?
It did not

Unlucky, shackles are deep within
It would not have an upper-hand everything was against it
Will it go on? or should just give up for there is no chance of going on?
It did not

Weak, everyone else was too much for it
It would not be able to make the journey
Will it go on? or should lay down and just dream?
It did not

Lucky to have misfortunes thrown at it so many times
It would not have become stronger without those situations
Will it go on? or should just leave everything behind for more misfortune awaits?
It is still moving on

It is lucky for it to have the strength to carry on that passion
It would not have made it out of lion's den where most have not
Will it go on? or should everything should never have been tried in the first place?
It will not

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My own quote of the day...

"i refuse to give into destiny's plan, i will create my own destiny according to my plan"

My Creed

Relentless i am i shall never give up on my dreams no matter how much the world should turn against me,
reaching for the stars and heavens above, story telling is deep within my veins it is me, watching
stories unfold through animation that is "ME"

On the ground i am bounded, grounded by principles of leadership, family,friends and passion to put it simple the principles of what truly right
never forgetting who i am, who i was and more importantly who i will be

ights, morning it does not matter as long i live my passion that is all that matters

Imagination is limited by ones mind, pushing mine even further, inspiration may come from every corner,
every second, every moment i just have to learn to look

Nothing will hold me back, i will be defiant till the end

Finding that pack sharing the same passion, helping each other grow hand in hand is always be my longing, a family that i can call my own

nimation is where i belong, i love story telling but through animation, how the story works from beginning to end

ever ever giving up my passion i promised , not for recognition not for riches, not for the feeling of self important after all even the smallest role contributes to a massive dream...and this i have promised myself 12 years and it is till now, till the end of time

Getting through life with all in this at hand, Reaching for the stars, I promised myself ill break through the heavens not for fame or fortune simply because its my passion, But bounded to the principles of leadership, family, friends, truth...simply what is truly right, nights and morning, days, months or years i will not yield. My imagination will not be limited, for i find inspiration in every corner, every second, every moment i just have to see, finding that pack, sharing the same passion growing hand in hand, Animation is my passion, story telling through animation...

This is my howl at every midnight moonlit

This is my roar as i hide deep beneath the grass

I shall forever be a ronin forging my path, my own destiny...

I don't even mind if the world does not know me or riches in gold and silver are not of my reach as long

as i remember myself

Remember this well, remember the howling wolf in the woods that is me,
remember the crouching tiger in the grasses, remember the ronin forging my own path...Remember...


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

....Um hello? testing testing....

No artworks for the moment still need to organize my files but ill update this from time to time

and secondly i new to blogging so yeah, please bear with the design for now ill find to time to work on that.

Hmm. well for now what i can i say i am open for freelance work if anyone would be interested.

you can view some of my work at this website:

as for other works, artworks to be exact ill try to find time to post them here in this blog.

for my resume/cv: since i am kinda new to blogging i am not sure honestly where to put it for the moment...